Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Everything that has happened TO you, has happened FOR you.

Do you ever come back from a trip or an event and feel completely rejuvenated? Refreshed? Re-energized?
I just got back from almost five days (kid free) at Beachbody Summit in Nashville, and also from seeing some of my family that lives there.

I can’t even tell you how much I needed that. I LOVE being a momma, and I missed my kids something FIERCE, but sometimes it’s hard. Sometimes the stress of caring for two little people, a husband, keeping up a house, laundry, dishes, working from home, potty training, teething, it can all be slightly overwhelming and exhausting.
It was such a nice opportunity for me to reconnect with myself and work on becoming a better person. Because honestly, that is what I did. That is why I love this company…they truly want each one of us to become the best versions of ourselves. Not just on the outside and being healthy, but starting from the inside.
I learned about how to better my relationship with my spouse from none other than Chalene Johnson, how to make my WHY become bigger than my fear, how to empower others, and how life is about truly finding the next right answer. So many things begin to change in our lives, when we come at it from the idea that there is more than one right answer.
Once we stop focusing on what is WRONG with a situation and instead focus on and celebrate what is RIGHT, things truly start to fall into place.
I was reminded once again, that everything that has happened TO ME, has happened FOR ME. Every tear, every battle with OCD, every day locked in my room my freshmen year of college when the depression was so great I couldn’t even go to class, every time I starved myself…it was ALL for my good.
You see we don’t really learn in the good times. We learn after we go through something that truly teaches us. Something that challenges us and makes us dig deep. Those are the times we should really be grateful for.
I know it is hard if you are currently down in the trenches right now, I do…I promise, I have been there. I know when I am going through a trial it is hard to be thankful in that moment that I am suffering.
But just know that one day you will get through it and you will learn a valuable lesson. It will make you a stronger person and give you tools that you could have never received any other way. Your heart will be opened to help other people and your empathy will grow ten fold.
You can do hard things. Take a minute to take a deep breathe and thank God for your trials. You got this!!!!